To add a class to your project, you have various options. You can separately create a header file then create a source file. You can also import an existing header file and a source file from any valid path. Microsoft Visual C++ makes it easy to create a C++ class. When doing this, a header and a source files are prepared. A (default) constructor and a destructor are added. You can delete or completely change the supplied constructor and/or the destructor. Also, Microsoft Visual C++ includes the name of the header file in the source file so you would not have forgotten to do this. Most classes in Microsoft Visual C++ have their names starting with the letter C. Although this is only a suggestion, and any valid class name would work fine, to keep some harmony, in our lessons, we will follow this convention. To create a new class and add it to your project: On the main menu, click Insert -> Add Class... In the Class View, right-click the name of the project, position the mouse on Add...
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