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Creating a Resource

Although an application can use various resources that behave independently of each other, these resources are grouped into a text file that has the .rc extension. You can create this file manually and fill out all necessary parts but it is advantageous to let Microsoft Visual C++ create it for you. To start creating the resources: On the main menu, you can click Project -> Add Resource... In the Solution Explorer, you can right-click the name of the project, position the mouse on Add, and click Resource... Any of these actions would display the Add Resource dialog box. From this dialog box, you would select the type of resource you want and click New (or Import...). You will then be expected to design or customize the resources. Throughout our lessons, we will see various examples. After creating or designing a resource, you must save it. In most cases, you can try closing the resource. In this case, Microsoft Visual C++ would prompt you to save the resource. If you agree to do t...


In an MFC application, a resource is a text file that allows the compiler to manage such objects as pictures, sounds, mouse cursors, dialog boxes, etc. Microsoft Visual C++ makes creating a resource file particularly easy by providing the necessary tools in the same environment used to program. This means you usually do not have to use an external application to create or configure a resource file (as done in other programming environments).

Converting a Resource Identifier

An identifier is a constant integer whose name usually starts with ID. Although in Win32 programming you usually can use the name of a resource as a string, in MFC applications, resources are usually referred to by their identifier. To make an identifier name (considered a string) recognizable to an MFC (or Win32) function, you use a macro called MAKEINTRESOURCE . Its syntax is: LPTSTR MAKEINTRESOURCE(WORD IDentifier); This macro takes the identifier of the resource and returns a string that is given to the function that called it. In the strict sense, after creating the resource file, it must be compiled to create a new file that has the extension .res. Fortunately, Microsoft Visual C++ automatically compiles the file and links it to the application.